
來自Épernay的家族典範香檳 - Champagne Bauget-Jouette 博憶-如愛香檳

-如愛香檳酒莊(Champagne Bauget-Jouette)始建於 1822 年,至今已傳承至家族第 5 代。葡萄園占地15公頃,葡萄植株的年齡從 15 47 歲不等並分布於31片園區,為釀出細緻優雅的卓越香檳,只選用三種葡萄品種,ChardonnayPinot Noir Pinot Meunier。全程釀造工序堅持在傳統地下二十七公尺的家族釀酒坊裡完成並希望釀造出高品質的,帶有花朵芬芳和礦物口味的細膩品質香檳,以維持這將近200年博憶-如愛香檳榮耀。

酒窖由白堊岩構成,挖鑿於十八世紀,位於地表以下27米處,全年 恆溫11°C。酒莊年產量13萬瓶。

我們擁有釀制優質香檳所必須的全部3種葡萄品種, 它們占葡萄園的比例為: Chardonnay 夏多內50%,Pinot Noir 黑皮諾10%,Pinot Meunier 皮諾莫尼埃40%。全部釀造工序均在我們位於艾培涅村凝聚了香檳地區傳統的釀酒坊裡進行。

現任莊主  Mr, Nicolas Bauget 

酒名:Carte Blanche   博憶-如愛經典白香檳
品種:Chardonnay 60 % , Pinot Meunier 30 % , Pinot Noir 10 %

*Wine Spectator 90 pts

酒名:Grand Reserve   博憶-如愛特級窖藏白香檳
品種:Chardonnay 70 % , Pinot Meunier 20 % , Pinot Noir 10 %

*Decanter World Wine Awards 2009 Trophy

酒名:CUVÉE JOUETTE 博憶-如愛”窖藏如愛”香檳
品種:Chardonnay 50 % , Pinot Noir 50 %                    
特色:為了紀念Suzanne Bauget女士而命名,窖藏五年,複雜的金黃色澤,優雅的氣泡,帶出白色小花和杏仁的香氣,入口柔順卻略有著奶油口感,烤brioche麵包、燉煮水果,最後呈現的是酒款的複雜度和悠長的尾韻,值得陳年與收藏

*Decanter World Award 2010Silver Medal

-----------------------------------------------------SPECIAL OFFER & SPECIAL RELEASE-----------------------------------------------------

* 特別推薦 : CHAMPANE BAUGET-JOUETTE  Blanc de Blancs 2008 “Cuvee Le Mout Restaurant”  <只在台中樂沐法式料理餐廳獨家販售>


"2013 Decanter Asia氣泡酒國際首獎


This was one of the most keenly contested of all the international trophies, with a clutch of brilliant wines from both hemispheres vying for the top prize. Perhaps it’s not too surprising that the ultimate victor hails from what is regarded by most as the greatest sparkling wine region of them all, yet, as well as needing to succeed against global opposition, it also had to rise above some of Champagne’s finest houses on the path to the final.

The Bauget-Jouette estate is family owned and has been since 1822. Established by the great-great-grandmother of the current owners, who are the fifth generation of the family to run the house, it enjoyed a period of distinct growth and success during the 20th Century.

Bauget-Jouette only makes a vintage Champagne in years it believes are capable of producing a fine end product and, when it does, it’s always a pure Blanc de Blancs, as it considers this style to be a speciality of the house.

Its aim is to highlight the true characteristics of 
Chardonnay from the vines that it grows. The company own 37 different plots of vineyards and the ones that produced the fruit in this wine are 35 years old, located in Mancy (near the historic town of Epernay), Grauves and Bethon. 

Although it embraces the evolved characteristics that always occurs with Champagne as it ages, such traits are not the ultimate aim for Bauget-Jouette, for its goal is to craft fine Champagne that is floral and mineral, with delicacy and precision; they have certainly succeeded.

酒款已全數到貨 , 數量有限 , 機會難得 ! 

請即刻聯絡詩人酒窖 04-23272924 或 E-Mail : cellierdespoetes@gmail.com , 謝謝!!

