
Philippe Foreau Domaine du Clos Naudin 菲利浦佛侯酒莊

Domaine du Clos Naudin

側寫Clos Naudin Domaine Huet--兄弟登山,各自努力

羅瓦河Vouvray產區有兩個最知名的酒莊: Domaine Huet Clos Naudin, 兩家酒莊是鄰居,緊鄰著同一條路,相差不過200公尺,不過Clos Naudin地勢較高。除此之外,兩家酒莊的同質性甚高---都是Vouvray產區少數專精於釀製白酒的酒莊,儘管他們也生產非常好的氣泡酒。釀酒態度也相同:尊重氣候狀況來釀酒,不強勢生產某些受歡迎的酒款,因此每年所生產的酒款不定,例如有些年份只有干白酒,有些極少的好年份可釀製全系列酒款 (干白、半甜、甜白及汽泡酒 ) 。兩家酒莊都在春天裝瓶,以保存酒中的新鮮的果香。兩家所生產的白酒都耐久存,老酒都非常可口令人印象深刻。而兩家酒莊成立時間也相差不遠,Clos Naudin 成立較早*,在20年代的1923Domaine Huet成立於1928年。

* Clos Naudin的葡萄園多來自祖產1919Philippe的祖父Armand Foreau自大戰歸來重新經營葡萄園 決定自產自銷開啟家族產業。直至1923年才以Domaine du Clos Naudin正式行於釀酒業。

兩家酒莊雖然有很多共通點,當然也有相異處。Domaine Huet擁有35公頃葡萄園,是Clos Naudin (11.5公頃)的三倍之多。Clos Naudin由家族擁有,是典型的家族釀酒業。而Huet酒莊在大家長Gaston Huet92高齡於2002年過世後,莊園產業2003年賣給Anthony Hwang*Clos Naudin莊主Philippe Foreau處事相當低調,不做網站,不參加任何葡萄酒產業的交際活動,包括年度羅瓦河沙龍《Salon des Vins de Loire》或酒業重要的倫敦品嚐會。相反的,Domaine Huet是羅瓦河葡萄酒業的活躍酒莊,釀酒師Noël Pinguet (Gaston Huet女婿)經常往返於國際葡萄酒場合中。
在產量方面,Clos Naudin 年產55,000瓶, 60% 白酒以及40% 的氣泡酒。11.5公頃的葡萄園都是一級坡地 ( première côte),靠近Le Mont旁的兩塊地,屬argile-silex (混合黏土和燧石) 土質。不放除草劑、殺蟲劑、不加人工肥料。
AOC規定Vouvray產區的靜態酒產量最多不超過52 hl/ha,汽泡酒 65 hl/ha。在如此低產量的要求下,形成兩大陣營,80%的產量由合作社生產,機器採收並使用大量除草劑,超市售價低;另外10%強的產量是由少數要求品質的獨立酒莊生產,手工採收葡萄、以傳統釀造法釀製汽泡酒。

Philippe Foreau莊主是Clos Naudin第三代,自述1980年開始釀酒,1983是本莊的第一個年份,1985繼承父親André Foreau的葡萄園。Philippe不願意過多的桶味掩蓋葡萄酒的本質,因此酒莊使用的102300公升橡木桶中,每年都只維持3~4個新桶的比例。

大部分Vouvray Montlouis的酒莊都釀製氣壓較小的“ pétillant 汽泡酒, Foreau卻選擇較難的傳統香檳釀造法釀製起泡酒。由於羅瓦河微氣候較冷冽的香檳區溫暖,釀出的氣泡酒比香檳更有量感及圓潤豐富的口感,又由於白逍楠葡萄品種的特性,Foreau的汽泡酒經常有蜂蜜及佛手柑的特殊風味

以下介紹Clos Naudin的酒款:

Brut NV
 瓶中陳放48個月,產量45hl/ha,含糖量只有6.66g / L香草豆莢、花香、礦石香,口感滑順
17.5+/20 winedoctor
2006 Vouvray Sec 
   Foreau認為2006是干白酒年,經典的白酒風格。花束中帶了花蜜及蜂蜜香,跟著而來的是綿長的礦石尾韻,殘糖3 g/l以及 13.2%酒精濃度,口感軟綿卻有量感,風味平衡愉悅又有深度,杯底有李子乾的香味。適合搭燒烤海鱸魚、香煎龍蝦,和中國菜也很搭。17+/20 winedoctor
LRV 14.5

2009 Vouvray demi-sec 
(RP94) —蜂蜜、荔枝、梨子及豐富濃郁的口感,與礦石取得完美的平衡,尾韻有一股白逍楠特有的微苦收尾。

原文 : 94 points The Wine Advocate:Subtle and alluring scents of musk, white truffle, iris, lily, and narcissus mingle with quince on the nose of Foreau’s 2008 Vouvray Demi-Sec. Lush and glossy (13% alcohol, incidentally) and lusciously loaded with quince, kumquat, and grapefruit, it carries hints of coriander, zesty sizzle, rhubarb tartness, and persistent truffle and floral perfume into an uncannily buoyant, soaring finish. The balance here is so deft you can practically consider the wine dry, and its scent from the open glass alone is worth the asking price. Expect it to be worth following for at least two richly rewarding decades.
1999 Vouvray Moulleux 
 在甜度和陳年之間有跨越性的突破。琥珀般深邃的金黃色伴隨著進化的精緻風味–“松露”“白桃” “quince花香引人入勝的圓潤豐美口感細緻綿長。 搭配燒烤龍蝦或鵝肝醬。

2009 Vouvray Moulleux (78g殘糖

辛辣濃郁的梨子利口酒,繚繞著小蒼蘭和百合花香水高雅神韻,口感濃稠強烈,豐富的紋理,傳達著酒中神奇的貴腐魔術。甘美多汁的葡萄柚和血橙將感官逐步推升,繼之以神秘的貴腐風格如松露、白葡萄乾、發酵的麵包。2009非凡的成就,將與Foreau moelleux過去偉大的年份—2003200519891990年相提並論,可陳放30年或更久。和2005比較,09年的貴腐感較少、酸度提高,但仍保留著豐富的複雜度。RP97 (2005的貴腐感較多、酸度較低)

 Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate :
«很少有白酒釀酒師能打破Philippe Foreau所保持的紀錄,他所釀的Vouvrays 白酒始終維持著高品質、高價值。在羅瓦河產區尚未被市場炒高之前,趕快購入Vouvrays的白酒吧!»
«Considering that few white wine growers anywhere can boast the track record of Philippe Foreau, his Vouvrays are priced to continue offering wonderful value. This becomes especially (at times depressingly) evident when one compares the much higher prices asked for Chenin from certain appellations further West that have traditionally been treated as superior according to the still rather hide-bound French pecking order, even when they deliver questionable or even dismal results. Buy these wines now, before the market for Loire wine at last becomes a meritocracy ! Foreau thinks the high flint(燧石) content in his sites helped convey minerality even in a vintage as rich (to the point where rendering balanced sec was tricky) as is 2009, but as in other very warm vintages of the past two decades the excitement chez Foreau is at the top end of the must weight spectrum. « I have never in my career had such acidity with this degree of richness, » opines Foreau of his two top 2009s. Alluding to 2008’s record-breaking rains and consequent flooding in certain sectors of Vouvray – which for a critical while rendered it impossible to get into one’s vineyards to treat the vines, other than on foot and with tanks strapped to one’s back – Foreau remarked matter-of-factly : « this vintage stared out badly, but finished well, while 2007 started out well and finished badly » – and just how well 2008 was capable of finishing, there is no better place to witness than in Foreau’s cellar. Foreau opines that working the lees – fashionable anyway now with Loire Chenin and a younger generation – was a mistake in 2008 as it ameliorated the acidity, if at all, at the expense of clarity and focus. »

 Thewinedoctor.com : « Clos Naudin是我嚐過Vouray白酒中,最優質的模範。 » « they are among the greatest examples of Vouvray I have ever tasted. »

